
ISNA President Imam Magid Participates in NRCAT Delegation

The National Religious Campaign Against Torture organized and led a delegation of 22 religious leaders and NRCAT staff in a meeting November 27, 2012, with White House staff, at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building to discuss the Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture. NRCAT is encouraging President Obama to sign the protocol, which has already been ratified by 64 nations and signed by an additional 22. The treaty sets up oversight bodies and other international mechanisms to prevent torture and abuse in places of confinement including jails, police stations, prisons, mental health facilities, immigration detention centers, and detainee centers such as the prison at Guantanamo Bay.  Tuesday’s meeting was the second meeting on this topic with NRCAT and White House staff. Imam Magid, President of ISNA, was pleased to join the delegation in this meeting.  ISNA is a member of the National Religious Campaign Against Torture and committed to cooperate with interfaith partners in efforts to end torture in U.S. policy, practice and culture.  NRCAT delivered 5,568 signatures on its petition calling for the President to sign OPCAT.  More information on OPCAT is available at, where NRCAT continues to collect signatures urging the President to sign the treaty.