November 12, 2013-The 83rd Congress On June 1, 1954, designated November 11 as the day to honor American veterans who served in all branches of the Armed Forces.
To that end, in order to preserve world peace, Muslim Americans have fought alongside their fellow Americans for decades to preserve the freedoms we all so profoundly and deeply cherish. Even today, as Muslim Americans, we continue to serve our Nation, as Soldiers, Sailors, Airman, and Marines in places near and far, in order to preserve our sacred values, and the dignity of all of humanity.
Therefore, Veteran’s Day is the annual day of remembrance for those who selflessly served to preserve the American way of life. It is a day to celebrate and honor America’s veterans for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good of all people.
As a Muslim community in America, we are grateful to Allah (SWA) for enabling us to be a part of this Day Commemoration. We honor through this Day of Remembrance, those who have served from our community, as well as those who continue to serve from multiple communities throughout our Nation.
May Allah continue to bless our veterans and their family members on this Veteran’s Day!
By Chaplain Abdul-Rasheed Muhammad, LTC (Retired), U.S. Army
Director of ISNA Chaplaincy Services Department