

Welcome to MYNA’s first-ever all girls camp, a unique and enriching experience designed to foster spiritual growth, personal development, and sisterhood in a supportive Islamic environment. At our camp, we provide a safe and nurturing space where Muslim girls can explore their faith, build confidence, and forge lasting friendships. Our camp offers a diverse range of activities and programs that cater to the holistic development of our campers. From Quranic studies and Islamic lectures to outdoor adventures and team-building exercises, there’s something for every girl to engage in and enjoy.

Led by knowledgeable teachers, mentors and counselors who share a deep commitment to Islamic values, our programs are designed to inspire girls to connect with their faith, strengthen their character, and cultivate a sense of purpose and identity grounded in Islam. In addition to spiritual growth, our camp places a strong emphasis on personal development and leadership skills. Through workshops, discussions, and hands-on activities, campers learn essential life skills, such as communication, problem-solving, and decision-making, that empower them to navigate the challenges of adolescence and beyond with confidence and resilience. Topics like body image, women’s role in Islam, mental health, nutrition, and more will also be explored.Perhaps most importantly, our all girls camp fosters a sense of sisterhood and community among campers.

Through shared prayers, meaningful conversations, and collaborative projects, girls form bonds that transcend cultural and geographical boundaries, creating a supportive network of friends who uplift and inspire one another. Whether it’s learning about Islamic history, exploring the natural world, or simply sharing laughter and stories around the campfire, our all girls camp offers an empowering and unforgettable experience that leaves a lasting impact on the hearts and minds of our campers.Join us as we embark on a journey of faith, friendship, and self-discovery!