On Friday, January 27, 2017, President Donald Trump signed an Executive Order which limits entry of non US Citizens to the United States from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen for at least 90 days. The order also suspends entry of refugees from any country for at least 120 days and entry of refugees from Syria indefinitely.
ISNA is deeply troubled by the closing of the border, particularly to the most vulnerable. We are stronger as a nation when we are united, however this Executive Order threatens to further divide the nation. We encourage all our members to contact their House and Senate representatives to express their concern about this Executive Order.
In addition, Muslim immigrants should seek legal advice in making their travel plans. There are timely and invaluable resources available from organizations such as American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), American Civil Liberties Union, Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and Muslim Advocates.
While we are going through trying times, we remind the community to not lose hope and remember that Allah is sufficient for us and He is the best disposer of affairs. May Allah protect us and provide us with clarity and guidance.
Read full text of the Executive Order: https://goo.gl/qF4KK2
Sign the MPower Petition to Reject the Executive Order: https://goo.gl/er5rIv
Read Muslim Advocate’s Community Guidance: https://goo.gl/abBg1J