
AMANA Mutual Funds Scholarship

A Financial Boost

One scholarship of $2,500 will be awarded based on academic achievement, volunteer service, and financial need. The objective is to help a student maximize his or her growth potential by providing support for college.


  • GPA of 3.5 or higher
  • Undergraduate status
  • Majoring in Finance, Economics, or Mathematics.
  • American Citizenship or Permanent Residency
  • Demonstrated financial need

Application Materials

Application Form Essay Question: How do you align your actions with your principles in day to day life? Transcript Letters of Recommendation (2 required) Student Aid Report (SAR) from your FAFSA CLICK HERE TO APPLY

About AMANA Mutual Funds

Amana Mutual Funds endeavors to align investments with principles. They follow a value-oriented approach consistent with Islamic finance principles. Generally, these principles require that investors avoid interest and investments in certain types of businesses. To ensure that investments meet the requirements of the Islamic faith, the Saturna Capital follows guidelines established by the Fiqh Council of North America (FCNA), a non-profit organization serving the Muslim community. Providing this scholarship through the Islamic Society of North America, allows AMANA Mutual Funds to continue to build upon its principles and provide further support for the American Muslim community. Return to Scholarships