NAACP Religious Leaders Offer Help for People Facing Foreclosure
On Monday, ISNA Director of Community Outreach Dr. Mohamed Elsanousi met with other religious leaders in the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) to discuss how religious communities can help ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all. Many of the leaders are concerned about foreclosures and other hardships faced by those suffering from the current economic crisis. One Muslim leader was Dedrick Muhammad, NAACP Senior Director of the Economic Department and Executive Director of the Financial Freedom Center, who announced that federal bank regulators are offering assistance for people who have experienced foreclosure.
If your home was in the foreclosure process in 2009-2010, you can request a free Independent Foreclosure Review to determine if any errors were made. If the review finds an error, you could receive a payment or other compensation, or stop a current foreclosure process. Please request to receive more information from the NAACP by