
6th ISNA West Coast Education Forum


January 13-14, 2017  –  Anaheim, CA

Guidelines for Submission

Proposals must be submitted electronically using the Electronic Proposal Submission Form. Please do not e-mail or snail-mail your proposal to ISNA Education Forum. If you have difficulty with the Proposal Submission Form, please contact ISNA at [email protected]. The electronic submission form contains detailed instructions. The form must be completed in its entirety to be considered. Please select your presentation from the following tracks:
  • Arabic Studies
  • Religious Studies & Character Building
  • Curriculum & Instruction
  • School Leadership (Board & Administration)
Title of Proposed Session: The Title of the proposal should not exceed ten (10) words and should capture the essence of the presentation. Abstract: The Abstract must be between 50-75 words. The abstract is a brief summary of the proposal (see below). If the paper is selected for presentation at the forum, this abstract will appear in the conference program. Proposal: This is the full description of the presentation. It should be much more detailed than the abstract. The Proposal may not exceed 500 words. Proposals that are too short and lack details may be denied. Description of the paper in outline format is an acceptable form for the proposal submission. Contact Information: Indicate a contact person regarding this proposal with whom ISNA can communicate. If there is more than one speaker, the contact person will serve as the liaison between ISNA and the rest of the speakers. Brief Speaker Bio: Complete a brief bio for at least one of your proposed speakers. At a later date, you may be asked to submit bios for all speakers. If you are selected to speak at the conference, the speaker’s bio will appear in the conference program and should not exceed 80 words. Upon its submission, your proposal will be reviewed for completeness, and the contact person will receive a confirmation e-mail. Incomplete proposals may be disqualified. If the proposal is accepted, the presenter will be asked to submit a paper for publication in the program booklet. Audio Visual Requests:
  • Overhead projector screens will be provided in every room.
  • Efforts will be made to fulfill other audiovisual requests.
  • Handouts are the responsibility of presenters.
  • An onsite copy center is available.
Accommodations For Presenters: Presenters (Maximum two/session) will be provided with shared hotel accommodation, meals, and complimentary conference registration. Please Note: Speakers MUST be present for the duration of the conference. For Further Information Please Call Or E-Mail: Department of Program Development and Educational Services (317) 839.8157 Ext. 231 or 814 or [email protected] or Registration and Housing: (317) 839-8157 ext. 129 or [email protected] Bazaar and Sponsorship: (317) 839.8157 ext. 244 or [email protected] Program & Speakers: (317) 839.8157 ext. 814 or [email protected]